What are FairwayStyles payment method?
FairwayStyles accepts all major Credit/Debit cards.
Where does FairwayStyles ship?
FairwayStyles ships within the countries that are available during the checkout process.
What are FairwayStyles return policy?
You may return any item, with the exception of custom or personalized products, for any reason within 30 days of receipt of the product for a complete refund of the product price.
For returns from outside the continental US, you may use their on-line returns center but you are not eligible for a FedEx shipping label. You are responsible for choosing an international delivery service (not expedited) and paying any shipping cost. You will be credited for your shipping cost if the return was due to a FairwayStyles error. Shipping charges for returned items that are not a result of FairwayStyles error will not be refunded. Please be sure to send a copy of your shipping charges with your package.
What is FairwayStyles refund policy?
Refunds will be issued within 5-7 days of receipt and inspection of the items. If you paid for your order with a gift certificate and or credit card or PayPal combination the refund will be credited to the gift certificate first and balance will then be refunded to the credit card or PayPal account.
All refunds will be applied to the original form of payment. 30 Day Playability items returned will be refunded via a FairwayStyles e-gift card.
For International, Refunds will be issued within 5-7 days of receipt and inspection of the items. All refunds will be issued in US currency. The conversion from foreign currency to US currency depends on currency exchange rates. They issue refunds based on the exchange rate at the time of purchase. If you paid for your order with a gift certificate and or credit card or PayPal combination the refund will be credited to the gift certificate first and balance will then be refunded to the credit card or PayPal account. All refunds will be applied to the original form of payment. 30-Day Playability items returned will be refunded via a FairwayStyles e-gift card.
Are shipping cost refundable?
No shipping costs are not refundable.